Sports Massage in Bury

Chiropractic And/or Spinal Decompressive-oscillation with Chiropractic led sports massage

Chiropractic Led Sports Massage in Bury

Chiropractic care, Spinal Decompressive-oscillation and Massage therapy compliment each other; Chiropractors help to realign the spine in addition to relaxing the muscles and restoring normal nerve function. Occasionally, though, the body can be so stiff it can try and resist the Chiropractic adjustments and pull on the spinal system, returning it back to its dysfunctional position. In this instance, having a Chiropractic-led massage therapist who works on the specific muscle group to relax them, can be of great benefit and helps the adjustment to hold in place. 

Those that combine Chiropractic and/or Spinal Decompressive-oscillation with Chiropractic-led massage therapy get better quicker and stay well for longer.

We also offer massage therapy to those who don’t currently see our Chiropractors.

We Treat


Shoulder Complaints (dysfunction, disorders and pain)


Elbow pain and Tennis Elbow arising from neck and back conditions


Stiff and Painful Hips


Iliotibial Band (ITB) Syndrome


Piriformis Syndrome


Achy Knees and Tracking Problems


Joint Pains


Plantar Fasciitis



First Time Visitors

Relief Care

Our first goal is to relieve your symptoms as quickly as possible. The severity of your condition will determine the length of this phase. Typically, the number of visits in this phase is frequent and can involve multiple visits to the centre each week.

Rehabilitative / strengthen and corrective phase

During this phase of care, the goal is to remove the root cause of your problem and to restore optimal function. This phase of care is also dependent upon the severity of the problem. The frequency of care can still be multiple visits per week, but unlikely to be as frequent as the relief phase of care.

Wellness Care

Once your body has had the chance to heal, we believe it is important to continue with care by having periodic checkups to help prevent future problems and to enable your body to continue to function at its most optimal level. Your lifestyle, health goals, and practitioner’s advice will determine the frequency of care that is right for you.


What our clients say

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