Joint Pain: including the hip and knee joint
About Hip Pain
The hips are large, weight-bearing joints, and as they are involved in nearly all of our movements, hip pain can severely impact our lives.
The hips and lower back are closely connected, and pain in one area can often refer to the other.
The lower back and hips are both part of the same functional unit, and they work together to support the body during movement. If there is an issue with the lower back, such as a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, or a mis-alignment, it can affect the hips. The nerves that run through the lower back and down into the legs and hips can become compressed or irritated, leading to pain, numbness, or tingling in the hip area.
In addition, tight muscles in the lower back, such as the gluteal muscles or hip flexors, can pull on the hips leading to pain and discomfort.
If the pelvis, knees or the feet are not functioning correctly they can also impact on the way the hips function.
Hip Pain Causes
Hip pain is a common condition which can be caused by a number of factors.
Referred pain from the knees, lower back and/or pelvis
Referred Pain from The Pelvis
Irritated nerves
Muscle strains
Hip fractures
Our Approach to Hip Pain
About Knee Pain
Knee pain is pain in or around the knee.
The knee is a complex joint which relies heavily on its surrounding muscles and ligaments for stability and strength.
Our Approach to Knee Pain
The knee is one of the joints most commonly affected by osteoarthritis. Cartilage in the knee may degenerate after sustained stress (such as stress from mis-aligned joints or injuries) resulting in the bones of the knee rubbing against each other and subsequently resulting in osteoarthritis.
As the knee is a load bearing joint, it is vital to ensure that you are walking correctly, and that your feet, ankles, hips, pelvis and lower back are not the cause of your knee pain.
To this end, a thorough consultation and examination with a Chiropractor is essential to ascertain a correct diagnosis so a bespoke care plan can be formulated. Care focuses on reducing the inflammation and swelling present in the initial phases, followed by massage, mobilisation, adjustments, and rehabilitative techniques to ensure the best outcome for your condition.
Knee Pain Causes
Ligament injuries
Sport eg running, football, cycling and skiing.
Meniscal tears
Osteoarthritis and Degenerate Cartilage
Iliotibial Band Syndrome/ITB
Stress from Mis-aligned Joints or Injuiries
Bespoke Orthotics
First Time Visitors
Relief Care
Our first goal is to relieve your symptoms as quickly as possible. The severity of your condition will determine the length of this phase. Typically, the number of visits in this phase is frequent and can involve multiple visits to the centre each week.
Rehabilitative / strengthen and corrective phase
During this phase of care, the goal is to remove the root cause of your problem and to restore optimal function. This phase of care is also dependent upon the severity of the problem. The frequency of care can still be multiple visits per week, but unlikely to be as frequent as the relief phase of care.
Wellness Care
Once your body has had the chance to heal, we believe it is important to continue with care by having periodic checkups to help prevent future problems and to enable your body to continue to function at its most optimal level. Your lifestyle, health goals, and practitioner’s advice will determine the frequency of care that is right for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Hip pain can be felt in different areas depending on the underlying cause of the pain. The hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint that connects the thigh bone (femur) to the pelvis, and pain can be felt in various areas surrounding the hip joint, including:
1 Groin area: Pain in the groin area is a common symptom of hip problems such as osteoarthritis, labral tears, and femoroacetabular impingement (FAI).
2 Outer thigh: Pain on the outside of the thigh can be a sign of iliotibial band syndrome, which occurs when the iliotibial band becomes inflamed and causes pain and discomfort.
3 Buttocks: Pain in the buttocks can be caused by bursitis and sciatica.
4 Front of the hip: Pain in the front of the hip can be a symptom of tendonitis, snapping hip syndrome, or hip impingement.
5 Back of the hip: Pain in the back of the hip can be a sign of piriformis syndrome, which occurs when the piriformis muscle in the buttocks becomes inflamed and compresses the sciatic nerve.
Hip pain can occur due to a variety of reasons. Some of the most common causes include:
1 Osteoarthritis: This is when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of the bones in the hip joint wears down over time, leading to pain, stiffness, and swelling.
2 Bursitis: This occurs when the bursae, small fluid-filled sacs that cushion the joints, become inflamed.
3 Tendonitis: This is an inflammation of the tendons, which attach muscles to bones.
4 Muscle strains: Strains or tears in the muscles that support the hip joint can cause pain and discomfort.
5 Hip fractures: A hip fracture is a serious injury that can cause severe hip pain and require surgery.
6 Labral tears: The labrum is a ring of cartilage that surrounds the hip joint and helps to keep the joint stable. Tears in the labrum can cause hip pain and stiffness.
7 Irritated nerves: Nerves that run through the hip area can become irritated, leading to pain and numbness.
8 Hernia: In some cases, a hernia can cause pain in the hip area.
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